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Advanced Ceramics Market to Reach EUR 3,8 Billion 2016 in

For most advanced ceramic components, starting powder is a crucial factor. The performance characteristics of a ceramic component are greatly influenced by precursor powder characteristics. Among the most important are the powder’s chemical purity, particle size distribution, and the manner in which the powders are packed in the green body before sintering. Powders of narrow size distribution can be compacted into ordered arrays and, when in the submicron region, these powders are sintered at reduced temperatures. Consequently, in the processing of advanced ceramics, there is a growing need to develop synthetic techniques capable of producing submicron, chemically pure powders with a tailored size distribution. However, the cost is again the factor since the new synthetic processing techniques are comparatively more expensive than the currently established powder manufacturing methods. Nanoceramic powders constitute an important segment of the whole nanostructured materials market. These powders are used in an array of applications from microelectronics, optical, chemical, environmental, and magnetic recording. The USA consumed more than EUR 2,18 billion worth of advanced and nanoscale ceramic powders in 2010. Consumption is projected to increase to nearly EUR 2,39 billion in 2011 and EUR 3,8 billion in 2016, a projected compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 9,9 % between 2011 and 2016. Advanced ceramic powders account for the bulk of the market (i.e. 83 % in 2010), with sales of EUR 1,76 billion in 2010, increasing to EUR 2,82 billion by 2016, for a CAGR of 8,3 %. Nanoscale powders are expected to increase their market share steadily, reaching a 24 % market share by 2016. Its market was worth EUR 372 million in 2010. This should increase at a CAGR of 16,4 % to reach EUR 0,85 billion in 2016 (07/2011).

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