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Call for Papers: ALAFAR Awards 2012

The Latin American Association of Refractory Manufacturers ALAFAR established that for achieving its bylaw purposes. ALAFAR will award the best three papers presented in its biannual Congresses, starting 5 to 8 November 2012 at the ALAFAR 2012 in Cancun/MX, with the exception of those years when the ALAFAR Congress coincides with UNITECR’s, in South America. ALAFAR will grant three awards: USD 8000 for the winner, USD 4000 for the first runner up and USD 3000 for the second runner up. This contest is open only to those who register for, and are present at the ALAFAR Congress of the year when the awards are being granted. Technical papers may be written in Spanish, Portuguese or English. In the case of papers written in Portuguese or Spanish, an English translation must be provided. Each participant may enter a maximum of two papers. Papers may have been written by up to five authors, and must be innovative; therefore, they may not have been presented at any other previous congress or event. The criteria to be applied by the evaluating committee to score the papers are: originality; overall content of the paper; methodologies applied; bibliographic references; oral presentation; author’s knowledge and command of the topic.   Deadline: 30 April 2012 Contact: alafar2012@alafar.org www.alafar.org

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