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 Sheffield Refractories and Anderman Ceramics

CUMI Enters into Agreement with
 Sheffield Refractories and Anderman Ceramics

These products will be manufactured at CUMI’s plant at Ranipet and also at a new location. Sheffield Refractories are a leading producer of specialized refractories for integrated steel plants, CFBC boilers used in power projects and cement plants. With the world class manufacturing facilities that have been recently set up at Ranipet, CUMI would be able to leverage this association to offer proven, world class refractory solutions to these industries. Anderman Ceramics are a leading international distributor of technical ceramic parts and components with operations in GB, USA, and in France. Anderman Ceramics employs a team of specialized technical sales people to support and expand its expertise in design, sourcing, stocking and supplying technical ceramics primarily to the glass and aerospace industries worldwide. CUMI would use their expertise to address these markets and industry segments (6/2012).

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