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GCC`s Aluminium Capacity to Reach 5 Mt by 2014

The GCC region has been a key aluminium producer as it is expected to account for 13 % of the world’s total aluminium production by the end of 2013, driven mainly by aggressive investments in the region’s aluminium industry, including construction of new smelters and the expansion of the pipeline network that has further reinforced the region’s position in the global market. Gulf producers tend to take their aluminium production capacity even further to address the strong demand, particularly within the GCC region, leveraging its strategic advantages including its easy access to low-cost raw materials and proximity to major aluminium markets in Europe, USA and the Far East. As estimated by the Gulf Aluminium Council, around 80 % of produced aluminium in the Gulf is exported to different parts of the world, reaffirming the GCC’s vital role to meet local, regional and global demand. In 2011, a number of new aluminium smelters and manufacturing companies were established in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the UAE to drive further growth and establish the Gulf as a major player in the world aluminium industry. On the other hand, the Gulf’s aluminium investments are seeing significant movement and could hit USD 55 billion by 2022, with USD 22 billion in the UAE, USD 7 billion in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait and USD 5,7 billion in Qatar. As part of the efforts to increase the Gulf’s global market share and create lucrative investment opportunities across the aluminium industry in the region, a select group of local, regional and international investors, experts and businessmen are set to discuss some of the prominent industry concerns, trends and investment opportunities during the Aluminium Middle East 2013. This is a leading exhibition for aluminium products, technologies and investments in the Middle East and will be held from 23–25 April 2013 at Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre (DICEC). Formerly known as Aluminium Dubai, the 3rd edition of the event follows the huge success and the momentum generated during the previous first two editions, as it serves as an ideal platform to showcase promising investment opportunities and benefit from best international practices and the latest in aluminium products, technologies and investments.
Formerly known as Aluminum Dubai, Aluminium Middle East is being held every two years and is regarded as the leading regional exhibition for aluminium products, technologies and investments in the Middle East and a member of Reed Exhibition’s portfolio of aluminium events, which includes Aluminium Germany, Aluminium India, Aluminium China and Aluminium Brazil. (3/2013)

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