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Magnezit Group Commissions Gas-cleaning Installation

A twin unit with Scheuch GmbH/AT bag filter was installed at the workshop for firing magnesite powder behind the rotary kiln No. 4. Efficiency coefficient of such a filter amounts to 99,9 %. It is already the seventh dust-and-gas-cleaning system, installed at the workshops of Magnezit Group during several recent years. The total volume of investments allocated for implementation of the project amounted at the moment to about RUB 600 million. In current year analogous equipment was installed and commissioned at the high-temperature shaft furnace of Polysius AG/DE, rotary kiln No. 1 at the workshop of Magnesia Powder No. 3. Now it is the turn of commissioning of high-performance gas-scrubbing system at the multi-hearth furnace, which is now under construction, as well as projecting the construction of gas-purifying units behind electric furnaces No. 1–4 at the workshop of Magnesia Powders No. 4 and behind the 2nd, 5th and 6th rotary kilns at the workshop of Magnesia Powders No. 3. In 2013 Magnezit Group began to create a system for monitoring of dust emissions: each pipe behind thermal units – rotary kilns, shaft kilns and multi-hearth furnace – will be equipped with special dust counters – control sensors, data from which will be transmitted into a unified automated system and will be accessible to the specialists of the company as well as to the wide public. “Application of bag filters allows to collect in storage bunkers practically the whole fine-dispersed dust, forming in the process of magnesite firing, and to return this valuable raw material into production cycle. We consider for such modernization of gas purification systems, where a single particle of dust will not fly into the pipe» told Oleg Ponomaryov, Head of Department for Environmental Protection of Magnezit Group. Gas-cleaning units are powerful industrial installations with two-step system of air purification. They include a group of eight cyclones as well as a bag filter consisting of several hundred bags 5 m long made of high-tech high-temperature material. The units can treat up to 300000 – 360000 m3/h of gas. Dusty air goes through the chamber which consists of a system of bags, and is cleaned for 99,9 %. The layer of dust, accumulated on the bags, is regenerated with a stream of compressed air. The dust, consisting of finely dispersed caustic magnesite, falls into the bunker and then is transferred to special concrete vessels and from them – for treatment and production of bricks. Magnezit Group (with head office in town Satka) is a recognized world leader in the field of production of magnesia products. It is an integrated company ensuring a complete cycle of refractories production from mining of raw materials and up to engineering and operational service. Production and servicing plants in Russia, China, Slovakia, Ukraine make part of Group’s structure as well as a wide network of representative offices. (9/2013)

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