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Nabaltec AG: Management Board Expanded from the Company’s Own Ranks

A third member was added to the Management Board and the two new members were appointed to five-year terms by the Supervisory Board on 1 January 2017. Alongside Johannes Heckmann, who will serve as Management Board Chairman and CEO, Günther Spitzer will be responsible for Finance/Controlling and for Administration/HR as the new CFO and Dr Michael Klimes, as COO, will be responsible for Production and Sales, as well as for R&D/Technical Service.
“With Günther Spitzer, the long-serving head of our Controlling/Finance department, and Dr Michael Klimes, who has served until now as head of the business division Functional Fillers, we are adding two members to our Management Board who have already proven themselves in the company and who know Nabaltec AG inside and out,” said Johannes Heckmann, Nabaltec AG’s Management Board Chairman and CEO. “We are very pleased with this development as it means that, at the top as well, we will be well-positioned in the future to further develop our innovative capacity and continue to grow with a strong three-member Management Board.” After undergoing training as an industrial clerk, Günther Spitzer began his professional career in 1985 with VAW aluminium AG, at the Schwandorf plant. He has been in charge of Nabaltec AG’s finance department since 2009, where he was responsible e.g. for optimizing Nabaltec’s financing structure. After completing his studies in chemistry at the Darmstadt University of Technology and his graduate work and doctorate at the German Institute for Polymers in Darmstadt, Dr Michael Klimes went to work for VAW aluminium AG in 1992, in the Speciality Alumina division, where he was responsible in particular for sales of APYRAL® in Central Europe. Dr Michael Klimes has served as the head of the business division Functional Fillers since 2007.
Outgoing Management Board member Gerhard Witzany and his family will continue to have a close relationship with the company as major shareholders. Joining Nabaltec AG in 1994, Gerhard Witzany managed the company from 1994 to 2016 together with Johannes Heckmann. “Gerhard Witzany played a decisive role in Nabaltec AG’s current positioning as an advanced and innovative chemicals company,” said Johannes Heckmann. “I can only thank him for his consistently helpful and constructive collaboration and wish Gerhard Witzany all the best on behalf of our employees as well in his well-earned retirement.” To date, Nabaltec AG has developed into an innovative chemicals company which has been able to establish itself in highly specialized markets worldwide through steady research and development work. Supervisory Board Chairman Dr Leopold von Heimendahl stated as follows: “The Supervisory Board accepted Gerhard Witzany’s decision last year with regret. We would like to thank him for his consistently strong and trusting collaboration and for the skill and commitment with which Gerhard Witzany performed his tasks. We are certain that the new Management Board, under the leadership of Johannes Heckmann, and with Günther Spitzer as financial expert and Dr Michael Klimes as a top-notch industry expert, will position Nabaltec AG to post strong growth in the future as well.” Gerhard Witzany will be a candidate for election to Nabaltec AG’s Supervisory Board at the upcoming 2017 Annual General Meeting.

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