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Rebranding HWI

In early 2015, the company rebranded to become HarbisonWalker International after extensive market research among employees and customers pointed to high awareness and equity in the HarbisonWalker name. Formerly, known as ANH Refractories Company, its family of companies included longtime industry leaders, A.P. Green Refractories Company, North American Refractories Company, and HarbisonWalker Refractories Company.
“Beyond naming, we utilized the market research to understand what traits about us needed to be reflected in our brand,” said Carol Jackson, Senior Vice President and General Manager, HarbisonWalker International. “Above all, the brand needs to communicate the promise we are prepared to deliver, every day to our stakeholders, internally and externally.” Third-party market research indicated that HWI possessed some of the most positive perceptions in the industry. Customers recognized HWI as defenders and champions of their business. Further, they placed tremendous value on the “whatever it takes” attitude that HWI employees bring to work each day. „Intensity at work“ represents more than a marketing slogan for us,” said Jackson.

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