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Trimet Expands Its Automotive Division

The medium-sized aluminum producer has recorded continuously growing demand for tailor-made system solutions for vehicle parts and delivers specialist products to renowned automobile manufacturers. Trimet is significantly expanding the capacity of the gravity die casting foundry at their location in Harzgerode in cooperation with BMW. The volume of investment for this expansion work is EUR 13 million. Trimet has invested around EUR 160 million over the past decade in its automotive division at the company’s locations in Harzgerode and Sömmerda in order to expand its product range and serve its growing customer base. The company – together with its partner BMW/DE – is currently pressing ahead with the expansion of the gravity die casting facilities at the Trimet factory in Harzgerode in order to produce vehicle parts for the new BMW 5 Series. This project requires an investment volume of EUR 13 million. The gravity die casting foundry is being expanded to include two new casting stations, two production lines, and an X-ray unit in order to meet increasing demand for the 5,5 kg front and rear cast joints required as a result of the encouraging business performance at BMW. The expansion work is set to be completed by the beginning of 2013 and will lead to a further significant increase in production at the Trimet factory in Harzgerode. “The current investment improves our production technology, strengthens the location, and creates new jobs,” according to Thomas Reuther, a member of the Executive Board. In addition, Trimet will install a further die casting machine at each location to cater for the continuously increasing demand at the automotive factories in Harzgerode and Sömmerda. “Premium brands in the automotive industry rely on our specialist expertise as a system supplier,” says Luigi Mattina, a member of the Executive Board at Trimet. (8/2012)

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