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US Aluminum Industry Files Dumping Action against China

This action is part of the industry’s broad trade strategy to address Chinese overcapacity throughout the value chain. The antidumping margins alleged by the US industry range from 38 % to more than 134 % of the value of the imported aluminum foil. The domestic industry’s countervailing duty petition alleges that Chinese producers benefit from 27 separate government subsidy programmes. The petitions were filed concurrently with the United States Department of Commerce and the United States International Trade Commission (USITC) and apply to aluminum foil that is used in a variety of consumer and industrial applications.
The domestic industry filed its petitions for relief in response to large and increasing volumes of low-priced imports of aluminum foil from China that have injured US producers. Twelve years ago, US production accounted for about 84 % of all domestic aluminum foil demand and today that has dropped to 69 %. Aluminum foil imports from China have grown by nearly 40 % since 2014. In 2016, Chinese products accounted for about 71 % of the total US aluminum foil imports.Antidumping duties are intended to offset the amount by which a product is sold at less than fair value, or “dumped”, in USA. The margin of dumping is calculated by the Commerce Department. Estimated duties in the amount of the dumping are collected from importers at the time of importation. Countervailing duties are intended to offset unfair subsidies that are provided by foreign governments and benefit the production of a particular good. The USITC, an independent agency, will determine whether imports of aluminum foil from China are a cause of, or threaten, material injury to the domestic industry.

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