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2011 International Colloquium on Refractories + UHPC Symposium

Elements made of ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) need heat treatment in their production process, e.g. two days at 90 °C. The prefabricated concrete element manufacturers don’t usually have the suitable equipment and consequently only limited elements made of UHPC are supplied. The refractories industry in Germany and Austria with more than 50 production facilities spread across the two countries has sufficient heat / waste heat and equipment to heat-treat prefabricated parts. Now following up an idea from the industry, prefabricated concrete element manufacturers are now to be given the opportunity to get to know refractories manufacturers as potential manufacturing partners. The refractories companies can be called in as service providers for heat treatment. Concrete prefabricated element manufacturers can cast UHPC elements and take them to the nearest refractories company for heat treatment and / or mix and cast the recipe directly in the refractories facility. In this way, wider application of UHPC can be ensured. In the UHPC symposium refractories manufacturers, prefabricated concrete element producers, potential “UHPC consumers” and idea contributors will be brought together. The UHPC Symposium is held in the scope of the International Colloquium on Refractories in Aachen on Thursday, 20 October 2011, from 14:00 h, in German. Renowned speakers could be enlisted to present information. Dr Carsten Geisenhanslüke, Dyckerhoff AG, will present the material UHPC. Dr Liudvikas Urbonas, cbm Centre for Building Materials and Material Testing, TU Munich, will talk on heat treatment. Dr Hans-Carsten Kühne, BAM, will describe the properties of heat-treated ultra-high-strength concrete. Finally, Dr Thomas Teichmann, G.tecz Engineering, will present typical applications for UHPC. Following on from this, the refractories industry will discuss what heat treatment equipment is available. To conclude, the ECREF will be presented as an intermediary between prefabricated element plants and refractories manufacturers. In future, ideas and projects are to be realized in a new committee, which is affiliated to the ECREF (European Centre for Refractories). Eberhard Bauer, Elementbau Osthessen GmbH & Co. ELO KG; Prof. Dr Dr Ulrich Schneider, Institute of Building Construction and Technology, Vienna University of Technology; em. Prof. Dr LutzSparowitz, Wörle Sparowitz Ingenieure Ziviltechniker GmbH; Prof. Dr Andreas Rogge, Department for Safety of Structures, BAM Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing; Dr Carsten Geisenhanslüke, Dyckerhoff AG; Prof. Dr Frank Dehn, MFPA Leipzig GmbH as well as Dr Thomas Teichmann, G.tecz Engineering have already agreed to take part. This “team”, the members of which have already worked with the material UHPC for many years and some of which have already planned and built bridges made of UHPC, forms the basis for productive work. Anyone interested from the refractories industry can attend the symposium when participating at the Aachen Colloquium without any separate registration. Further information: info@ecref.eu  (05/2011)

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