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2013 ICG Summer School in Montpellier

Of this group, 14 were from industry and the remainder from academia. In total 14 different academic institutions, 4 industries, 8 different countries and 3 continents were represented. The subject areas covered included: glass formation, glass structure, its analysis by spectroscopic and diffraction techniques, and computer modelling. Particular attention was given to properties such as strength and transport properties including durability. One lecturer with a more industrial background discusses the analysis of surface coatings, added to modify specific optical and mechanical properties and a short talk was given on the workings of ICG (International Commission on Glass) and its technical committees. A second important strand to the teaching content is provided by the delegates themselves when they each give a short presentation on their allocated research projects. This year 6 projects were undertaken by teams of 5 or 6 students. This year the groups examined the batch melting with new raw materials and the creation of foam glass with vacuum bubbles. The summer school’s success lies partly in the networking opportunities it provides. Its teachers are central to the summer school’s success. All have international reputations but give their time freely to help develop the next generation of glass technologists. The input of these world experts is much appreciated. Each year the summer school has a slightly different slant and new contributors are welcome.  

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