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Major Exploration Target Established for Poochera Kaolin Project

The tenement is held 100 % by Minotaur’s wholly-owned subsidiary Great Southern Kaolin Pty Ltd. It is located near Poochera, about 50 km inland from the coastal town of Streaky Bay on the west coast of South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula and just 150 km from the bulk handling port at Ceduna. Five kaolin deposits have been defined from 220 historical drill holes and a further 224 new drill holes on the tenement. The five deposits are Condooringie Well; Carey’s Well; Tootla; Karcultaby South and Tomney, and have a total exploration target estimate of 570 to 810 Mt of white kaolinised granite containing 40 to 60 % Johannsen Drilling using an Edson 2000 drilling rig. Air core hole diameter was 75 mm. Some holes were pre-collared using a RAB open hole hammer down to the top of the kaolinised granite interval in order to allow penetration of hard bands of calcrete close to the surface and, where present, a silcrete horizon at the top of the kaolinised granite. Complete 1 m-intervals for each hole were retained in plastic bags. Geological logging was undertaken by Minotaur geologists and a visual colour estimate was recorded for each kaolinised granite sample. These colour estimates were used as the principal basis for selection of composite samples (maximum 5 m) for further testing. All holes were located and levelled by differential GPS. The Minotaur drill holes provided accurate test data but the holes only cover a limited portion of the exploration target areas. Relevant work on Minotaur drill samples included preparation of aNormandy Industrial Minerals Ltd concluded that the Tomney deposit has potential as high quality ceramic kaolin comparable in quality to the premium clays from New Zealand and Great Britain (5/2012).  

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