Home » Technologies & Materials » Materials/ Additives/ Mixes » Turkey`s Magnesite for Production of Fused Magnesia, Properties and Uses in Refractory Applications

Turkey`s Magnesite for Production of Fused Magnesia, Properties and Uses in Refractory Applications

For high temperature processes, there is a great need for refractory raw materials that can withstand oxidative environment at elevated temperatures. Fused Magnesia (FM) is the most important material for these purposes with melting point 2800 °C and one of the key element of the refractory heat resistant materials especially for steelmaking refractory bricks. Fused magnesia is considered to be one of the best thermal and electrical insulators with high density, high purity and large crystals.
FM is produced by electric arc melting of magnesite or CCM in a traditional Higgins furnace or in tilt-type furnace at >2800 °C. Quality of the electrically fused magnesia is determined by choosing magnesite source, beneficiation processes, arc furnace electrical parameters and sorting. Final product were characterized by using chemical analysis, scanning electron microscope and EDX. Samples from different process parameters were investigated according to their crystal size, bulk density and impurity formation.

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