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Determination of the Thermal Shock Resistance of Refractories

For the refractories, the resulting thermal shock is the predominant factor that shortens their service life. R&D on refractories with superior resistance to thermal shock is therefore an ongoing concern for research centres and producers of refractories. Technological testing methods to determine the thermal shock resistance at a laboratory scale significantly support the development of improved refractories. A broad choice of methods is nowadays available which can be chosen according to the thermal shock characteristics and individual specific features. These methods reflect the conditions during service of the refractories to different degrees. New technological trends are testing methods for thermal shock testing under controlled atmosphere and testing methods that allow determination of the crack and failure mechanisms in-situ during thermal cycling. Seven different technological testing methods, which are being used for R&D at Forschungsgemeinschaft Feuerfest e.V./DE, are being described and their suitability and proficiency are being discussed.

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